Elevator LCD Display Selection: How to Choose the Right Solution

A good elevator LCD display can ensure riders’ safety, convenience, and comfort.

It is a screen that shows vital information like:

  • the current floor number
  • direction of travel (up or down)
  • and other useful information.

In this article, you can read knowledge about:

  • Key functions of elevator LCD display
  • The elevator LCD types
  • What should consider to choose and install an elevator display screen

Key functions of elevator LCD Screen

The main functions of an elevator display screen are to show the following information:

  • The current floor and direction (up/down)
  • The selected destination floor
  • Upcoming stops, direction changes or delays
  • How to use the controls and buttons
  • Alerts or instructions for a crisis (if needed)

The current floor and direction (up/down)

It shows the right floor number and has an arrow that points out the right direction. This can ensure people are safe and going in the right direction.

The selected destination floor

When a passenger presses the button for his destination, it appears on the screen. The screen also shows the direction (up or down) to reach the floor.

Coming stops, changes in direction, or delays

With this info, riders will know what to expect and won’t miss stops or get confused.

How to use the control and buttons

Some systems have simple videos that teach you how to select the floor number and start or stop the elevator. This makes sure that the buttons are used correctly. Furthermore, prevent problems.

Alerts or instructions for a crisis (if needed)

In an emergency, some modern LCD displays on elevators can alert people quickly and show them how to solve the problem or get out safely. Clear communications reduce panic.

In short, the key information on elevator LCD screens tells riders:

  • How things are going now
  • What happens next with the elevator
  • How to use the elevator as a new man
  • What to do in a crisis

This leads to better communication, less confusion or panic. Furthermore, people can get a better user experience and build more trust while travelling.

Types of elevator LCD

There are several types of LCD used for elevator display panels. The main options include the following:

  1. Dot matrix LCD
  2. Segmented LCD
  3. Graphic LCD
  4. LED-Backlit LCD

Dot matrix LCD

Dot matrix LCDs use a grid of dots or pixels to create numbers, letters, symbols or short phrases. They can show basic text and numbers, but it takes work to produce graphics. These displays are simple, cheap, small, and easy to customize but have limited functions.

Segmented LCD

Segmented LCD displays consist of predefined segments showing letters, numbers and symbols. We can combine segments in different ways to create different viewing. They can show more characters than dot matrix LCD, but they are still hard to create graphical information. However, segment LCDs are easier to read than dot matrix LCDs.

Graphic LCD

Besides text and numbers, graphic LCD displays can also show images, icons, symbols, and other graphics by using pixels. These LCDs give the passengers a better experience as they are easier to understand with more information. But they are more expensive and harder to program.

LED-Backlit LCD

Some elevator displays use LED-backlit LCD to make the screen easier to see, especially in dim conditions. The LED backlight ensures that all passengers can see the information at a glance. But they are more expensive, use more energy, and produce additional heat.

Which one is the Best?

That depends on your needs, cost, and limitations.

Dot matrix and segmented LCDs are cheap, simple and easy to use. Graphic and LED-backlit LCDs can show more information. However, they are at a higher price and harder to program.

Requirements must be balanced, meeting limits. You can provide details on your needs and constraints to an LCD manufacturer. He can suggest a solution to improve features while keeping costs down.

Some options are:

  • Only showing important information (floor number, direction arrow)
  • In addition, confirmation of the destination chosen and visual control/button guidance
  • Larger font sizes, high contrast, bold fonts, etc., to make it easier to read
  • LED-backlit LCDs (especially important for low light)
  • Graphics or symbols instead of only text or numbers compatible with international standards and more than one language.

What should consider to choose and install an elevator LCD screen

There are a few important things to think about when choosing and installing elevator LCD displays:

  • Size
  • Ease to see
  • Connection


Depending on your need, the size can be small (3 digits) or large (10 or more). Larger screens are easier to read from a distance, which is good for crowded elevators or buildings with many floors. But bigger sizes take up more room and cost more money. It would help to balance the needs and limits when choosing a size.

Ease to see

Please choose the size, style, and color to make it easy to read in different lighting conditions. Bolder, higher-contrast fonts with larger characters are easiest to read, especially in dim places. Users can easily see LED-backlit LCDs no matter where the display is.

In addition, a good position where installation ensures people can see it from any place in the elevator.


Displays need power wiring and a connection to the elevator control system to get data and update as the elevator moves. Wiring gives a smooth experience.

In short, when choosing and installing elevator displays, it’s important to:

  • choose the right size,
  • make sure the display is easy to see in all lighting conditions,
  • place it right position
  • set up a secure connection to the control system.

These can make the display:

  1. work well
  2. easy to use
  3. helpful for the passenger
  4. provide a good user experience


When LCDs are well-made, they make the experience and the quality of service much better. Elevator LCD displays are a good way to get information and help people trust that the elevator works correctly so they can get to their floors quickly and safely.

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